So today was an exciting day in my time as a growing girl, finally it was time for me to go to school on the school bus for the very first time!

Last week I moved up to nursery in my first week back to school after the 2012 summer holidays, which were very fun, especially when it was sunny, but as it was the first week back we didn’t have to go to school all day so Mummy took me to school in the car.

So this week was the first week that I start to go to school ALL DAY LONG which also meant I go to school on the bus, that’s a first for me!!

I was quite excited but secretly nervous, I don’t like new things so much, but I am a big brave girl so I put my bestest bravest face on and got on with things.

I wasn’t quite alone though since Kyler already gets the bus so at least there was a friendly face to be there with me, we usually fight a lot in the car but not today, there was lots of other children I didn’t know!

Daddy walked me and Kyler up to wait for the bus, Jaydan’s bus got there early and off they went to school, not far behind was my bus, as soon it arrived the door was opened by a cheery man called Martin and he welcomed me on, I got on and picked my sit, put my seatbelt on and the bus was ready to go.

I gave Daddy a nervous look and a quiet little wave goodbye and off we went.

I had planned to sing “The Wheels On The Bus” but it was a little more scary than I thought so I kept that one in my head … for now 🙂

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