We Are The Duncan's ™

The Day I Was Born

Freshly Born

After lots of hard work for both me and my Mummy (and of course my Daddy played his part) I came into the big wide world at 12:55am on Thursday the 16th of June (11 days late, better late than never though eh), on this page you will find pictures of my first moments of life, first cuddles with Mummy and Daddy and my first time in my car chair ready to go home where I will grow up.

Here are my first few moments of life, first I had a cuddle with Mummy, and of course had my first meal, after this my Daddy dressed me so I was nice and warm (and looking funky) then I spent most of the night (till 4am) on Daddy’s bed having cuddles while Mummy rested.

After a really good nights sleep (about 6 hours) I woke up and I had lots of cuddles and kisses with my Mummy, this was really nice because being born is very hard work, not just for Mummy it was hard work for me too, and after all that I need lots of attention and tlc, Mummy’s are good for both as you can see.

Having had lots of cuddles with Mummy I thought I ought to try Daddy for size with cuddles, although I lay on his bed for a lot of the night I was too tired to see how comfy Daddy’s arms were. As you can see I am the perfect fit for his arms and I feel quite relaxed especially with his hairy arms (mmm cosy), I’m looking forward to lots more cuddles with Daddy in the future.

Well after lots of cuddles from Mummy and Daddy and having been seen by the midwive’s and checked over (my Mummy was too), it was getting to the time we all had to go home. I was dressed in my funky new clothes (as you can see I am going to be the coolest kid on the block) and strapped into my car seat ready to experience Daddy’s driving on the journey home (he was very smooth). As you can see I am very comfy in my seat, so comfy in fact I missed out on Mummy and Daddy stopping for a well deserved Mc Donald’s on the way home (personally I think it was a little cheeky of them for not waking me).

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