Showtime: Charlotte’s Web 2015

Showtime was finally here and we were all very excited to go and see Kyler perform in the Charlotte’s Web play at the Gordon Craig theater after two weeks of hard work from audition, rehearsal through to the actual show!

Fluttering Around Butterfly World, St. Albans

So today while Kyler was busy doing his rehearsals the girls and myself decided to head over to Butterfly World in St. Albans, we had tickets to go last year but never got around to going!

Feeding Our Feathered Friends in Fairlands Valley , Stevenage

It was such a lovely sunny day I thought we shouldn’t miss the opportunity to go and feed our little feathered friends in Fairlands Valley, Stevenage with the two younger girls, we were heading over to Stevenage anyway to drop Kyler off for rehearsals.