We Are The Duncan's ™

Showtime: Charlotte’s Web 2015

Showtime was finally here and we were all very excited to go and see Kyler perform in the Charlotte’s Web play at the Gordon Craig theater after two weeks of hard work from audition, rehearsal through to the actual show!

So we decided not to go and watch Kyler on his first show date because we didn’t want to put him off, we know how nervous he gets performing especially in front of us, which is a shame as he is actually really good, at least that way he would get the best possible start, and from the feedback we had from many other parents who had watched the first shows he was amazing, this only heightened our anticipation to see him.

So when showtime came around for us we were all bristling with excitement, we headed over to the Gordon Craig, parked up and posted him in the stage door round the back before heading in and finding our seats inside the theater.

The matinee was fairly quiet, the theater was about half full, for some reason they were selling annoying flashy lights to the kids, the type that people buy on fireworks night, not quite sure why they do that, it’s annoying for people watching and I can’t think it would be too great for the actors but there you go, so I had to sit with an annoying flashy light thing in my eyes pretty much the whole show, I can tell you I was close to wanting to stuff that thing somewhere it didn’t belong!

Anyway aside from that the show got going and to our surprise Kyler was on the stage pretty much from the beginning, it was quite disconcerting actually, he was playing the young “Wilbur” pig who was the runt of the pack that the farmer was about to dispatch, picking up his axe heading off to do the dastardly dead it suddenly dawned on me that was my son this grizzly man was about to chop up, the parental possesiveness kicked in and I was ready to jump on the stage and take care of this man when “Fern” the farmers daughter felt the same sentiment and persuaded the farmer to spare the little runt, panic over!

Before we knew it on came Kyler with a spring in his step, throwing himself across the stage without a care in the world and we were the most proud parents in the audience, OK probably not but in our world we were, little Wilbur soon became big Wilbur Kyler’s older counterpart (Will Breckin) and Kyler hot footed it for one of many costume changes as he also played a boy and a gosling both parts were main parts, he was on stage throughout most of the 2+ hour performance.

Miss Julie his dance teacher left him and her other students in the show a balloon and some goodies to congratulate them all, this show was quite simply the best show I have seen in a long time, OK maybe I’m a little bias but hey, quite frankly we thought the show was so good that we had no choice but to pay to see it again the next day and the last show of the series, and I have to say I thought this was his best performance, which might have been because he didn’t know we were going to watch him again, I don’t think he spotted us in the audience until halfway through so if there weere any nerves around us being there they weren’t showing.

Well done Kyler your first show was simply amazing, and he can’t wait to do it all again so we can’t wait to see him again most likely at Christmas time, I think there are plans lined up for him already!!

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