We Are The Duncan's ™

Kyler Got The Part In Charlotte’s Web: 15-19th April 2015

Well as you may know from my last post about Kyler’s recent audition for a part in the upcoming Chartlotte’s web play at the Gordon Craig Theatre in Stevenage we were awaiting a call to see if he got a part or not, we were told we would be called on Friday but we got that call today and yes you guessed it… Kyler got the part!!

So apparently they absolutely loved Kyler and said how he was cheeky and would absolutely love to offer him a part, we’re not entirely sure what the part is yet but we will update this post when we find out.

Looking at the schedule, rehearsals and show dates take up ALL of Easter holiday and they look to be some pretty loooooong grueling days so somebody is going to be very tired indeed, but oh so much fun, Kyler was obviously elated and couldn’t wait to tell everybody, he’s going to do well, maybe he’s a star in the making… we shall see!

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