We Are The Duncan's ™

8 Today… Happy Birthday To Me

Would you believe it, finally after a long and frustrating wait TODAY IS MY 8th BIRTHDAY… Yay!

So Mum & Dad keep telling me not to wish my life away but I don’t see what all the fuss is about, I just want my birthday because you know birthday day means that I get to do pretty much what I want and tell everyone else what to do (Not so sure everyone is totally on board with that but I’m gonna try anyway).

I was up pretty early and rushed downstairs to a big stack stack of presents waiting for me to open, there was also a whole stash of “Happy 8th Birthday” balloons, someone had a bit of a job blowing all those up (Most likely Dad!)

Rather annoyingly I had to wait for everyone else to get up before I could get my hands on any of them, as Mum had to go to work for a couple of hours to clean up after a wedding I got to open all of my cards and one present to keep me going which I was OK with, that just meant my birthday was longer.


So while my Mum was out to work as it was also Father’s day my Dad and I played Star Wars III on the XBOX 360 which was real fun, my Dad’s almost as good as me (Almost!)

Mum came home and I was eager just to get all those lovely pressies open so I could assess what I got, I wasn’t disappointed, I got a whole load of stuff that I really wanted from clothes, to a couple of 3DS games (Luigi’s Mansion 2 being one of them), Wreck It Ralph in 3D and Thumback one of the Skylanders Giants I have wanted for a while which I played with along with Jaycee (She loves Skylanders too), Daddy promised I could go spend some of my birthday money to get the other Skylander I wanted to get (Eyebrawl).


My cake was yummy, it was a flake cake (Oooo that rhymed) that was decorated with loads of icing writing (Jaydan did loads of that), icing balls that looked like footballs and of course the obligatory 8 candle in the centre, we all had a piece with a cup of tea, well Mum and Dad had the tea, us kids just ate the cake!!

Dinner was my favourite, yummy pizza and lots of it and macaroni cheese, the perfect combination, all in all I had a great day got lots of nice pressies and had fun telling everyone what to do (Or so I thought), it’s GREAT TO BE EIGHT 🙂

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